re, all.

Here's a bug filed against Google Chrome for the same problem: and here's some
forum users complaining about the same problem, and regrettably their
solution is to stop using Ubuntu's Unity mode:

I work for VMware and for our Unity mode (which has the unfortunate name as
Ubuntu's new Unity mode), where we show individual guest Virtual Machine
windows in the Linux host environment as individual windows, we use
undecorated windows, similar to how Wine shows Windows applications in X
without having to be inside the full Windows desktop container. The problem
I'm trying to figure out a solution for is that when our user maximizes the
guest window and then unmaximizes it in Ubuntu 11.04's default Unity desktop
environment, Compiz is putting a titlebar onto our window just like it puts
one on Google Chrome.

Can you guys please help me understand why Compiz is doing this, if it's
something that Compiz is doing on its own or if it's Ubuntu's Unity stuff,
and how I can keep this from happening?

Thanks very much!!!

 -[ Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper    // ]-
 -[ KDE PIM Developer         //  ]-
 -[ bash fun -> :(){ :|:&};:  //  Numbers 6:22-26 ]-
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