On Fri, 13 Mar 2009, Thomas Nunninger wrote:

> - Is the pecl extension a no-go because of the requirement to install the 
> extension?

No, it's not a no-go. We usually don't compromise and rely on PHP 
(extensions) to be there already.

> - Is the MIT licence ok for bundling with eZ Components?

No, we can't bundle anything that's not covered by the CLA unfortunately :(

> - Do you know some other solutions to read and write YAML?

No, you covered all that I know off.

> - Which versions of YAML should be supported? (there are: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 where 
> 1.2 seems to be almost the same like 1.1 only with some very small changes in 
> line break handling)

I'd say all of them? :)

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