On Thu, 12 Mar 2009, mailbox_O2_pl wrote:

> I'm a beginner on ezComponents and I want to try out the MVCTools
> starting the HelloMvc Example on my local  machine  occours the
> following  error:
> Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ezcMvcInfiniteLoopException' with
> message '25 redirects have occurred, there is a possible infinite
> redirect loop.' in
> /var/www/sites/24id.de/codecenter/files/external_components/ezc/trunk/MvcTools/src/dispatchers/configurable.php:65
> Stack trace: #0
> /var/www/sites/24id.de/codecenter/files/external_components/ezc/trunk/MvcTools/src/dispatchers/configurable.php(201):
> ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher->checkRedirectLimit(25) #1
> /var/www/sites/24id.de/scamtectors.net/www.mywebspace.net/HelloMvc/www/index.php(10):
> ezcMvcConfigurableDispatcher->run() #2 {main} thrown in
> /var/www/sites/24id.de/codecenter/files/external_components/ezc/trunk/MvcTools/src/dispatchers/configurable.php
> on line 65
> The HelloMvc example I've got from the head version from  .svn
> is somebody where to give  me  some hints  how to resolve this problem?

It's most likely because an error is thrown, and you don't have a proper 
/fatal error handler yet. This will make things loop. You'll have to 
find out whey the error is thrown. You can do so with using xdebug and 
setting xdebug.show_exception_trace to 1 

Derick Rethans
eZ components Product Manager
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