Bertrand Dunogier a écrit :
> On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Julien Cochennec 
> < <>> wrote:
> Well, what you're describing here looks very much like a module/view 
> extension [1].
A few questions about the link :
- A view is a kind of interface, right?
- So, if I want to make a module, I have to build interfaces for 
classes? HTML, respecting some rules to fit Ezpublish

"the view returns a result to the module, which in turn returns it to 
the rest of the system"
What is called result here is html code? Can it be something else?

"The result is put inside a template variable called 
$module_result.content which is available from the main template, the 

So I have to understand the rules of the main template to build the 
result. That's exactly the documentation part I needed, thanks a lot.

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