On Wed, 2009-10-14 at 09:26 +0200, Raul Mateos wrote:
> Hello!
> I've tried to create a LineChart with this code:
> And when I get the image, I can't see line or text for february and
> june!! I've tried only 11 months and add a 13th element and it is
> shown perfecftly, could be a bug when the number of elements is 12??

ezcGraph reduces the number of labels by default, so that not too many
labels clutter the xAxis on a labeled axis. You can change this
behaviour using:

$graph->xAxis->labelCount = count( $graph->data['2008'] );

You might want to consider using a DateTimeAxis for datetime values.

Kind regards,

Find more details here:
- http://ezcomponents.org/docs/tutorials/Graph#lots-of-bars
- http://ezcomponents.org/docs/tutorials/Graph#date-time-axis

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Med vennlig hilsen
Kore Nordmann (GPG: 0xDDC70BBB)
eZ Components Developer
eZ systems Headquarters

tel +49 (0) 231-9742-7750 | fax +49 (0) 231-9742-7751
k...@ez.no | eZ systems | ez.no

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