
Again I've tried to use PO in several test cases and a third time I've

While creating a workaround to the definition name/class name problem
described in last mail, I discovered one more thing:

First of all: database design related to foreign keys is another thing, but
lead to this problem, described below.

Find queries for related objects always based on the real database table
field. The call to "where" method is simply loopthroughed, where the select
aliases all field with there propertyName.

Because of this, it's not possible, to separate definition and object class
from domain layer, where data will be used. Changing field names for example
would depend on a change within domain layer, where query was created.

Again: is this a bug or a feature?

Kind Regards

Christian Michel

Btw: None of my former questions is answered.

Christian Michel
Programmierung / Technik

SilverTours GmbH
Zweigstelle Köln
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Geschäftsführer: Christian Mahnke

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