
We are using the new KGS for the first time and are bumping incrementally into the changes in the parameter file. Could someone please post one for us?


On 14, Dec 2006, at 4:49 AM, Nick Wedd wrote:

The 2006 Slow KGS computer Go tournament will be next week, starting at 00:00 on Monday 18th UCT (GMT). It will be a five round Swiss, with each game taking a full day (i.e. eleven hours fifty minutes each, sudden death). Each game is scheduled to start at midnight in my UK timezone, so the five rounds will occupy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

With apologies for the short notice - I want to get this done before the end of the year, so as to at least partly keep to promises made earlier. You can regard it as a test slow tournament.

The rules are, 19x19 boards, Chinese rules, 7.5 points komi. Apart from the long time limits, it will be like the previous KGS bot tournaments that I have organised. The entrance requirements will be slightly tighter than for the Open divisions of those, at my discretion - e.g., I don't want several slightly modified versions of GNU Go playing, but I will welcome a genuine GNU Go and SlugGo.

The KGS page for the event is http://www.gokgs.com/tournInfo.jsp? id=255
The entry instructions, as usual, are at

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