Matt Gokey: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>Weston Markham wrote:
>> But of course, it's not the size of the win that counts, it is rather
>> the confidence that it really is a win.
>Yes, and my reasoning was that a larger average win implied a higher 
>confidence since there is more room for error.  That intuition may not 
>hold though.
> > In random playouts that
>> continue from a position from a close game, the ones that result in a
>> large victory are generally only ones where the opponent made a severe
>> blunder.  (Put another way, the score of the game is affected more by
>> how bad the bad moves are, rather than how good the good ones are, or
>> even how good most of the moves are.  Others have commented on this
>> effect in this list, in other contexts.)  Since you can't count on
>> that happening in the real game, these simulations have a lower value
>> in the context of ensuring a win.
>That is the first reasonable argument I've heard that makes some sense 
>as to why this effect may be true.  The opposite of course may be true 
>as well and close games may really not be close due to the same blunder 
>effect.  Perhaps it is just another symptom of the fact that most 
>playouts are nonsense games.

We can test this effect by using, for example,
    v = 0.5 * (1.0 + tanh (k * score)); // v is in [0...1].
with a little penalty of simulation speed. As k being lager, this 
function closes to commonly used threshold function, and vice versa.

I guess the best value of k depends on the sensefulness of the games, 
ie., current heuristics for pruning moves are not so effective that 
larger k is the best.

- gg
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