I considered making a version of go that plays with tetrahedral geometry.
It is a 3D arrangment where all nodes have 4 neighbors and the angles
between each are 109 degrees.  Its connection properties though are very
different because of the way it it layed out.  Hence, I am going to have to
disagree.  But if what you mean is that all that matters is the graph
representation of the go board, I will agree with you there.

- Nick

On 2/21/07, Matt Gokey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Stuart A. Yeates wrote:
> On 2/21/07, alain Baeckeroot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Le mercredi 21 février 2007 02:10, Antonin Lucas a écrit:
>>> No need for those difficulties,  you can play along this board :
>>> http://www.youdzone.com/go.html
>> I think this is not a torus, even if each vertice has 4 neighbours.
>>  I can easily mentally transform this into a cylinder, with an
>> rectangular lattice and additional connection on the borders to
>> have 4 neighbours.
> I agree
> If this were a torus, there would be links between the inner ring and
>  the outer ring of vertexes.
Whether it is a torus or not is irrelevant.  The only thing that matters
from a go game play perspective is the graph topology.  If all points
have 4 neighbors the actual physical shape or layout doesn't matter.

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