On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 03:14:36PM -0500, Chris Fant wrote:
> >> Perhaps someone wants to implement MC algoritm in a
> >> small processor and create am array of PICs or
> >> something running MC. :-P (some really cheap PICs runs
> >> up to 200mhz these days...) or those programmables
> >> chips GPUs? I don't remember the name.
> >>
> >> MPMC = Massive Parallel Monte Carlo
> >
> >Yes, I'd love to!  Can you fund me?
> >
> On second thought, I don't think there's any way you can compete with
> modern CPUs in terms of bang-for-the-buck.

Some serious people are arguing
that, among other things, the sweet spot for performance is down
around there, and perhaps presently we will get hypermodern CPUs 
(or, likely, chips populated by highly integrated CPUs, RAM, and
network controllers as far as the I can C) which get their bang for
the buck that way.

There seem still to be a few open design issues, though.:-|

William Harold Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Ubi saeva indignatio ulterius cor lacerare nequit. -- Jonathan Swift's epitaph
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