I've been lurking on the list for a while, thinking about how to make
a contribution to computer go in the limited time I have.  Perhaps
others are in the same situation?

It seems like there is still a fair amount of reinventing the wheel
that needs to be done just to get started on a go engine.  I
downloaded and compiled the libego library and was thinking about what
to do next, and it seems like the next hurdle to overcome is writing
good regression tests.  Playing against other engines lets you know
overall strength, but I suspect it's still hard to diagnose bugs.

Rather than each person reinventing regression testing in a way that
works for his or her platform, maybe it would be useful to have a go
problem server specific to computer go.  Your program could connect
and try a large number of problems taken from the collections that are
already freely available, and it would keep stats on how well each
program did on each problem.  This would serve as a public, shared,
platform-independent regression suite, and it would be interesting to
see which engines do well on which kinds of problems.

Does this sound like a worthwhile project?  What else has been done
along these lines?

- Brian
computer-go mailing list

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