I have serious problems with KO. UCT-Suzie plays generally strong, but makes
terrible blunders in KO-positions. So far I do not even understand the
problem. Could you describe it more detailed?
I had also some serious SuperKO problems. UCT-Suzie was very "clever" to
find SuperKOs. We do not check for SuperKO in Alpha-Beta. The search is not
deep enough. Ignoring SuperKO in UCT is for a Hashtable version deadly.


So does your hash function consider all previous board states (for
superKo)?  If so, how?  I can think of one way, but I don't use it
since I have a tree that handles the allowable moves independent of
the hashtable.

When going down a variation the Hash and other Board-State Information like e.g. the KO-Point are stored on a stack. Starting from the current Top of Stack the detection goes down and search for the same hash-key and Ko-Point. Its the "Repeated Position" Detection method of chess. The Gamestack-Pointer is decremented by 2, one can stop, when a non-capturing move is done (in chess its the other way round). One can start 4 Plies from the top of stack. Due to the stoping criterion one has to check only a few entries (most of the time none). If a SuperKO occurs, the position is evaluated by the Material-Balance. BlackCaptures - WhiteCaptures + Komi. Probably a better way is to ignore the result. But I assumed that SuperKO is a rare event and the result has no significant impact on the search-tree. Maybe there is something wrong with this approach and the Ko-Problems I have a related to this simple SuperKO handling. I noticed several times that a direct transformation of chess methods has some subtle flaws.


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