I have build just for fun a simple BackGammon engine. [...]
Interesting - did you also try it for chess, or do you think there's no point in this?

The Hydra team has thought about this. Especially the Hydra chess expert GM Lutz. Some endgames are difficult to understand, but the moves are more or less forced. One could play down the line and evaluate once a clear position has been reached. One problem is the definition of "clear positon". The even more difficult problem is how to incorporate this in a normal Alpha-Beta framework. How to mix the result of the normal eval with the "rollout". The results in Go are spectacular, because the quality of conventional evaluations is low. In chess its at least not that bad. But one could argue, that in BackGammon the quality of the eval is even higher. The simple Rollout programm is not as strong as the best ones. But it is in relation to its eval very strong. It has also a remarkable programming-effort/playing-strength ratio.

These things are also done in FPGA and the FPGA code is already much too complicated. FPGA-programming is easier than ASIC-design, but its still much more cumbersome than conventional software development. Just trying out things is not possible. We felt also, that even if it works, the improvement measured in Elos would not be very spectacular. The Elo/Effort ratio is low. I was simply too lazy (or too professional) to give it a try.


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