Below is my favorite one in the list. An example of this are neural-networks. Neural networks are just a parameter-free optimization/estimation method.
No magic at all, just a boring and not very efficient estimator.

Warning: Cynical Definition...

        My definition of AI is any algorithm that is new in computer
        science.  Once the algorithm becomes accepted then it's
        not AI, it's just a boring algorithm.

        At one time windows, mouse, menus, scroolbars etc. were considered
        an AI technique for makeing computers understand natural language.
        (The menus are a list of valid words the system understands)

        This is also why I study "Cognition", not AI.

        R. Keene

Chrilly, your definition of AI is too limited. See, for example,

Hideki (gg)

chrilly: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
However, I have to disagree with this statement:
"UCT: Complete Antithesis to AI-approach"

Martin Mueller quotes J.McCarthy in his thesis:
"The research of Go programs is still in its infancy, but we shall see that to bring Go programs to a level comparable with current Chess programs, investigations of a totally
different kind than used in computer chess are needed".

UCT is different to Alpha-Beta (not totally, because its some other form of search, but it is different). I am sure, McCarthy had not UCT in mind. It was always the goal of McCarthy and his followers to simulate and to surpass the human mind. HAL in Stanly Kubrics Odyssee in
space 2001 is the dream-computer of this discipline.

UCT has nothing to do with human Go. It has some similarity to the behaviour of ant-collonies (its not in the technical sense an ant-colony algo). It was never the goal of AI to explain

I really thing it is exactly a modern AI approach!! Also it is a
general algorithm applied to many different domains (and many are not
two player games, ie max-max problems and not min-max).

I full aggree, it is a general and very interesting algorithm which can be applied to many

How would you define modern AI? Obviously it is not the classic approach to mimic humans
anymore. But what is it?

In my opinion is UCT a statistical estimation method. The armed-bandit is classical
statistical problem.

I think it is exactly the bad example for the "anti-drosophila thesis"...

What do we learn about the human mind from UCT?

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