The word in AI I don't feel conformable with is Artificial, not Intelligence. I use _Abstract_ Intelligence (also AI) as a replacement. Have you ever heard of artificial aerodynamics (applicable to planes but not to birds) or artificial thermodynamics (the same). I understand that AI is the science of thinking machines and that, of course, applies to biological ones. Aerodynamics was not developed by ornithologists and neither will the theory of thinking machines be developed by any frog-rippers. Electrical engineers laugh at a joke in which someone pretends to have found The Physical Location Of The Notepad (all capitalization is insufficient to reach the pompous statements frog-rippers use to make) in the floppy disk. After a conclusive experience placing electrodes on different parts of a computer, it has been proved that the floppy disk unit triggers each time the application Notepad is launched. Of course, the reason behind the floppy access is the last file opened was "a:\readme.txt". All serious science is a part of Mathematics ( if not, Mathematics will absorb it ;-) ) and so is the science of thinking machines: AI.


PD. The only explanation I find to the "need" of the word artificial is the (for me totally unexplainable) respect educated Anglo-Saxons have for religion. This way, it looks compatible with religion, but of course it isn't. The soul of a thinking machine is an anti-scientific notion no matter what kind of thinking machine.

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