Thanks for the file! This should be very helpful when I try to reproduce

It looks like you are not taking advantage of symmetries. For instance,




Are identical except for swapping the roles of white and black (88 == 1120
in base 4, 164 == 2210 in base 4), and therefore they should have the same
scores. If you do take symmetries of this type into consideration, you'll
reduce the number of gamma values you have to compute by a factor of almost
16 (8 symmetries in the D4 group, times 2 colors). This should result in
faster learning and better estimates.


On Dec 6, 2007 4:28 AM, Lars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> While you can find the gamma-values of non-shape patterns in the paper
> of Remi, I can give you the list of shape-pattern gamma-values.
> The source-code is mixed with my engine-code, which i don't like to
> publish. But the algorithm is more or less easy to implement..
> I'll try to attach the file to this mail, if it don't work I send it to
> your address.
> The file have the following coding:
> It's a text-file with one pattern each line.
> Lines look as:
> Pattern-ID|Move-right(0=black, 1=white)|gamma-value\n
> The Pattern-IDs have the following coding:
> In the binary representation of the ID you have 2 Bits for every field.
> So you have 18 Bits at all.
> 00 = Empty, 01 = Black, 02 = White, 03 = Edge
> The pairs are ordered as:
> 1 2 3
> 4 5 6
> 7 8 9
> in the ID it is
> 123456789
> While you can rotate and mirror the patterns only one respresentation of
> the various possible representations is contained in the file.
> >
> > On Dec 5, 2007 3:17 PM, Lars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >         Thank you for your explanations!
> >         You were right, it was a bug, and now it works really fine.
> >
> > Are you (or Remi) willing to publish any of the following?
> > 1. Source code for extracting ELO ratings for moves
> > 2. Full list of gamma values, including patterns
> >
> >
> > Either of those would help kick start those of us that are just
> > starting to go down a similar road.
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