This is awful for such a simple problem.  Many Faces' static evaluation
function sees that the white group is unsettled, and
the life/death search finds the B2 killing move in one node (since after B2
the group is dead with no further search, and the move generator returns B2
as the first candidate move).  It spends another 100 nodes proving that D1
and D3 lead to a ko, and the other moves don't work.


> > For example current version(not released) goes trought 162438 nodes
> before
> > it proofs black B2 kills(without any ordering help).
>  . . . . . . .
>  . . . . . . .
>  B B B B B . .
>  w w w . B . .
>  . . . w B . .
>  . . w . B . .
>  A B C D E F G

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