> DF: how many ply is your usual search?  I'm getting 3 to 6 ply in the main
> search, but the quiescence search often adds another 3 to 8 ply.  The Q
> search has almost all the nodes.
> Right now I use weak patterns to "veto" moves from the tree.    If a
> move is below a given rating I don't even try it if I am on the last 4
> ply of the search
I want to clarify this.    FooBar is currently doing fixed 3 ply search
and not looking at the time clock on CGOS time-controls.    BUT,  this
is for 9x9 games.     It occurred to me that you might be talking about
19x19 games which I haven't tested.  

I don't currently use any form of quies because my evaluation function
consists of N play-outs, where N might be around 100 - 200 play-outs or
so.     It might still be useful to have a layer that deal with
difficult to resolve situations but with play-outs you don't need
quiescence the same way you would with a static evaluation function that
is relatively naive about tactics such as a chess style evaluation

Sometimes FooBar has 2 or more minutes left at the end of a totally
played out game doing fixed 3 ply searches.  A lot of the time is taken
up by just 3 or 4 early moves and most of the 3 ply searches return very
quickly - so FooBar would be doing a fair number of 4 ply searches in
the middle game if I had time-control.    I'll fix this soon, hopefully
it will give a nice improvement - I hope to get about 50 ELO or more for
this.   To get even time management I may have to sacrifice 2 or 3 of
the 3 ply searches to get a  more 4 ply searches. 

I can do 5 ply searches in about 85 seconds per move on average - it
varied from about 40 seconds to 200.  I did this estimate with 10
middlegame positions.   The branching factor seems to be about 3.5 per
iteration.    I'm going to test this to 7 ply later.

-----  -----  -----
    2    2.2      -
    3    7.9    3.6
    4   24.3    3.1
    5   84.7    3.5


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