Don Dailey wrote:
>Lazarus uses a system very simlar to the original MoGo policy as
>documented in the paper.   However I did find one significant
>improvement.    I used RĂ©mi's ELO system to rate patterns and I simply
>throw out moves which match the weakest patterns in the play-outs.    In
>the tree,  I also throw out these moves but this is progressive.   
>Those moves still get explored but not near leaf nodes.  

It is interesting that many people say the similar thing.
I'll try to use ELO rating of patterns again.

>Programs that play games tend to be highly idiosyncratic.   What may
>work today may not work tomorrow or may work for me and not you.    It
>depends on what is already in your program, what isn't, how you
>implemented it, etc.    Some improvements work well with others and some
>do not cooperate with other changes.     The whole process is a bit of a
>black art,  not just the play-outs.

I fully agree.

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