荒木伸夫 wrote:
I have considered this, and I think that this may be caused by wrong training model. In my master thesis, I mentioned that the relationship between
 top 1 accuracy of move prediction and the strength of Monte-Carlo
is not simple (I increased the number of matches to 600, and similar tendency appeared). Therefore, it might be wrong to use only one human move (top 1 move) as a positive example (such training will highten top 1 accuracy). We may need to use another training model...

Unfortunately, I don't believe a usable training model exists, besides playing plenty of games with the full MC tree search to figure out which weights produce the best playing strength.

A big problem is the sample distribution. Whatever patterns we use, they are general rules with exceptions. That is to say it is always possible to make up a weird (or not so weird) position where patterns fail. And when a MC program is using patterns, it is naturally attracted towards positions that are evaluated wrongly.

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