Can you expand on that? I'm not familiar with VMWare.

I suspect many programmers here would be concerned about the performance hit of working on a virtual machine.

Peter Drake

On Mar 18, 2008, at 7:46 PM, Michael Williams wrote:

If they install VMWare, would the virtual machines be as locked down?

Peter Drake wrote:
I'm still trying to set up a Computer Go tournament at the US Go Congress, August 2-9 here in Portland, Oregon. We finally heard back from the where we're holding the Congress, and their policy on using their computer labs appears to be completely unworkable:
Begin forwarded message:
Also, these computer are pretty locked down, security-wise, meaning
that anything needing to be installed has to be done through the
User Support Office, with a minimum of four weeks notice.
Any thoughts on what to do now? I can't think of anything better than having people bring their own machines. (Since there will be prize money involved, we can't reasonably allow remote connections.) I'm also trying to get some funding from industry, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
Peter Drake
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