Hi Magnus.

I think I have a properly up to date client now.   Below is a sample
configuration file I am using for gnugo.   You can run it with the
appropriate cgosGtp.something  for your platform.   I use cgosGtp.kit
and use the tcl runtime for my platform but you can use one of the
binaries.   Or you can use the pure tcl script if you have tcl

You can run cgosGtp -c config_file  to make it happen.   

You can run it without any arguments to get usage instructions.  You can
make it give you a sample configuration file by doing "cgosGtp.tcl -s"

You can have multiple sections and play different versions or different
programs, it will take turns using the specified priorities.   If you
want 8 out of 10 games to be played with programA you would set
priorities  8 and 2 for program A and program B respectively.  Or you
could set 80 and 20,  etc.    You can do 8 2 0  if you have 3 programs
and you do not want to play one of them.

# config file for playing gnugo
# -----------------------------

%section server
    server cgos.boardspace.net
    port 6813

%section player
     name      Gnugo-3.7.10-a1
     password  somePassword
     invoke    gnugo --mode gtp --score aftermath --capture-all-dead
--chinese-rules --min-level 10 --max-level 10 --positional-superko
     priority  7

On Sun, 2008-08-03 at 00:26 +0200, Magnus Persson wrote:
> This reminds of that I have always used an ancient client to connect  
> to the 9x9 go servers.
> The link for connecting to the 19x19 on http://cgos.boardspace.net/ is  
> for an older clinet I think. So I would like to know how to connect  
> using cgosgtp.tcl in windows with a configuraton file.
> I have .bat containing the single line
> tclkit cgosGtp.tcl -c config13.txt -k Quit.txt
> which leads to tcl popping up the error msg:
> ####
> This isn't a TK applicatinBad window path name "config13.txt"
> ####
> (The missing space and missing s in "windows" is as it is shown)
> Any hints are wellcome!
> Quoting Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Ok,  the 13x13 server is up and running.   Here are some temporary
> > instructions that will probably be understandable for those with bots
> > already running:
> >
> > Everything remains basically the same except the port and the location
> > of the web pages.
> >
> >     SIZE   PORT
> >     -----  -----
> >      9x9     6867
> >     13x13    6813
> >     19x19    6819  (not up yet)
> >
> > The web pages are not linked yet from the main page.  However the URL
> > differs only in the initial directory path,  it will be 9x9, 13x13 or
> > 19x19 (when it's ready) and here is the main standings page for the
> > 13x13 server as an example:
> >
> >     http://cgos.boardspace.net/13x13/standings.html
> >
> > It would be nice to get a few bots on 13x13 to get it started off.
> >
> > The instructions for the viewers are on the main web page, but to
> > refresh your memory here is how to view the 13x13 games:
> >
> >  /home/drd/bin/cgosview.kit -server cgos.boardspace.net -port 6813 &
> >
> >
> >
> > - Don
> >
> >
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