(Sorry if this is a duplicate; the first posting didn't show up.)

To clarify (or maybe not) the status of the computational complexity of NxN go:

Go with Japanese rules is EXPTIME-complete (Robson, 1983).

Go with superko is only known to be PSPACE-hard, and EXPSPACE-easy (Robson, 1984). That is, both the upper and the lower bounds in Robson's EXPTIME-completeness proof fail. It is rather surprising that neither of those bounds has been tightened in the ~25 years since the last relevant papers.

Slightly confusing the issue is a "proof" in Papadimitriou's book that go is PSPACE-complete (Papadimitriou, 1993). However, the problem he considers is actually a modification of go which prevents exponentially long games, thus putting the problem trivially in PSPACE. Unfortunately this proof has been cited by others in claims that go is PSPACE-complete.

But fascinating as these complexity issues are (I've spent a fair amount of time trying to prove that go with superko is EXPSPACE- complete), I don't think they are really relevant to computer go.

Bob Hearn


J. M. Robson. The complexity of Go. In Proceedings of the IFIP 9th World
Computer Congress on Information Processing, pages 413–417, 1983.

J. M. Robson. Combinatorial games with exponential space complete decision problems. In Proceedings of the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
1984, pages 498–506, London, UK, 1984. Springer-Verlag.

Christos H. Papadimitriou. Computational Complexity. Addison Wesley, 1993.
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