Congratulations, Remi!

I just returned from FIT2008.
This was first official professional vs. computer game in Japan.
I added some comments in sgf.
These game comments are stated by O Meien professional 9dan.

Aoba 4dan's comment after game.
"My guess was soft was strong, but something is different."
"I think I played well partially, upper left and right side."
"I think it is even game when I get one stone on bottom."
"Crazy Stone played yose correctly, amateur 5dan level."

Tei Meikou pro 9dan said,
"Crazy Stone is much stronger than last year's UEC cup."

After this game, O Meien 9dan played with Crazy Stone on 9x9.
Komi was 0.5 and Meien 9dan played White.
Crazy Stone won. This was very exciting game.

I put some photos.

FIT2008 Computer Go Frontier (in Japanese)

Aoba Kaori 4dan
O Meien 9dan

PB[Crazy Stone]
PW[Aoba Kaori]
RU[Japanese]PC[Keio University, Shonan-Fujisawa, Kanagawa Japan]EV[FIT2008]
;W[nn];B[pn];W[mj];B[lj];W[ml];B[nj];W[mm]C[Tortoise shell is worth 60 points.
Pon-nuki is worth 30 points.
So white gets 30 points.]
;B[np];W[oj];B[oi];W[pi]C[I like M-9.]
C[They say Crazy Stone resign 20% winning rate. It's a good loser. I never 
resign even if 0%.]
;W[pg]C[dreamy move. But black still leads 30 points.]
;B[qj];W[qh]C[Black should play R-8. Q10 is pivotal stones. ]
;B[ng]C[White can lay waste to the upper side. Black can not keep all. ]
;W[ql];B[qo];W[fd];B[fe];W[ed];B[dc];W[fc]C[Black B-18, white A-18 is 
;B[hd]C[Black could live at least. It looks finally  even.]
;W[eb]C[Will white lose totally? I can't imagine :-)]
;B[kr];W[ir];B[rl];W[qk];B[kl];W[ge];B[hg]C[Maybe white's next move is 
;W[qc];B[qd];W[pb];B[pc];W[rb];B[rc];W[qb];B[cr];W[lr];B[rk]C[It is appreciate. 
White can play S-6 now.]
;W[rj];B[gf];W[nb];B[nc]C[About 100 moves is left. Black will lose 20 points 
after this.]
;W[mb];B[lc]C[L-3 is solid.]
;W[kq]C[White can win. But it is really difficult now.]
;B[er]C[Even O-2 is full stomach.]
;W[rn]C[Next move will R-3. I like O-2.]
;B[kp];W[lq];B[oq];W[rr]C[Black G-2 is strong. Still difficult game.]
;B[ch];W[dh];B[di];W[eh]C[It looks close game. But I guess white will win.]
;B[fi];W[fj];B[ij]C[Black stops here. Ha-ha-ha.]
;W[hk]C[Now white can connect.]
;B[dl];W[ik];B[jk];W[jj];B[ii];W[mc]C[I like L-17 tuke.]
;B[ic]C[White will lose on territory if nothing is done.]
;W[je];B[id];W[hm];B[fk];W[in]C[To win, white must kill O-13 and so on. It is 
not dream.]
;B[jl];W[fm]C[White should play J-7.]
;B[im];W[hn];B[ob]C[Black gives a point after a long time.]
;W[oa];B[hl];W[ei];B[ej];W[fh]C[It looks a bit bad. White is not enough, she 
needs speculative play.]
;B[ib];W[rd]C[If black gets 3 moku, it is over.
R-15 cut is small.]

This 9x9 game record is maybe not correct. I inputed manually.

PB[Crazy Stone]
PW[O Meien]

Hiroshi Yamashita

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