>From all we know so far it is most likely that perfect komi is 7.0.

Even numbers lik 6.0 and 8.0 are unlikely because they always require
a seki with an odd number of shared liberties (in all optimal lines!).

Since IMO the first player should have a chance to win it seems
natural to set the komi 0.5 points *below* the perfect komi, which
leads to 6.5.

Further, I have a suspicion that 6.5 komi allows more diverse opening
lines, which makes the game more interesting.


On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 1:35 AM, "Ingo Althöfer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
>> I'd have some preference for playing the decisive game
>> with komi = 6.5, but apparently thats not possible on KGS.
> But that should not be a problem, as long as the operators
> do not believe in the final verdict of KGS.
>> I think with komi = 7.5 white
>> is scoring very high (too high?) in the top games.
> I made a count for the 9x9-competition in Beijing (komi=7.5:
> Looking only at games among the top 5 rankers
> there are 20 games so far (including two tiebreak-games)
> with 15 wins for White and 5 Wins for Black.
> Looking at all games among the top 7 rankers
> there are 40 games (including two tiebrak-games)
> with 27 : 13 for White.
> Taking all 164 games of the tournament (including two
> tiebrak games) White is ahead by 93:71.
> It is probably not an accident that the quota decrease
> with decreasing playing strength:
> 15/20  >  27/40  > 93/164   or translated to decimals
> 0.75  >  0.675  >  0.567.
> However, when B+7 is the correct value on 9x9,
> komi=6.5 might lead into similar problems.
> Ingo.
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