
I never tried it, but I once considered doing it.  It's an intriguing
idea.   Since speed is all important here I would probably try just a
single probe version (bloom filter with k = 1 where k is the number of
hash functions.)

You have to clear the filter before each playout of course, but the
filter could be quite tiny, perhaps 256 - 1024 bytes for 9x9.    One
would of course measure the trade-offs and also test k=2, etc.    My
intuition is that k=1 is best for speed but it should be tested.  

There is a cost involved in just maintaining a Zobrist hash key and I
wonder if this is the greatest cost anyway?  Even with the bloom filter
you have a lot of logic on top of an extremely simple move maker so I
never got motivated enough to try this.  Plus, I didn't feel that it
would actually make the program stronger.  

In my programs,  I don't maintain a key or do PSK in the playouts.  I
have 2 versions of everything involving move generation.  One make()
function tests for superko and builds a key, the other tries to be fast
and cheats.  

- Don

On Thu, 2008-10-09 at 09:36 -0400, Álvaro Begué wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you use zobrist hashing, it is probably not ridiculously slow to do
> > this.   And if your play-outs are pretty heavy anyway,  the cost will be
> > negligible as you say.
> Has anyone tried to use a Bloom filter (
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter ) for this? It would very
> quickly tell you that most positions are not repetitions, and leave
> only a tiny fraction of positions to test in a deterministic way.
> Álvaro.
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