AMAF is very powerful.   It's all in the details of course but for a
given level of CPU effort,  you can pull more information using AMAF.

I think the way it's used in strong programs is that it's gradually
phased out,  which is probably the best way to use it.   At some point
AMAF loses to pure first move statistics but it gets you going quickly
in the right direction. 

Simple bots of course do not scale beyond a certain point.  AMAF reaches
the point of seriously diminishing returns very quickly.  Without AMAF
you would probably go a little farther  but it would take a lot more
effort to get there.   So a 3000 playout bot using AMAF is already close
to that point but without AMAF it would take an order of magnitude more
playouts (or more) to reach the same level.    

- Don

On Wed, 2008-10-22 at 13:27 +0200, Magnus Persson wrote:
> Quoting Darren Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > But that is just an impression I'd picked up from day to day reading of
> > this list; and at CG2008 people were still talking about AMAF in their
> > papers (*). Can someone with a strong bot confirm or deny that AMAF is
> > still useful?
> Valkyria probably has the (?) heaviest and slowest playouts of all  
> stronger programs.
> Thanks to AMAF Valkyria searches extremely selective. I have not tried  
> to turn of AMAF. I am currently comparing Valkyria with the results  
> from 13x13 scaling study.
> Here is just one datapoint for level 4 the programs uses 1024  
> simulations per move.
> LeelaLight 824 Elo
> Leela 1410 Elo
> Mogo 1599 Elo
> Valkyria 1860 after 100 games
> in general it as least 200 Elo stronger than Mogo using the same  
> number of simulations. But currently I think Mogo is fast enough to be  
> slightly stronger on equivalent hardware using normal time controls.
> If I turned off AMAF for Valkyria I would probably have to retune all  
> parameters to make a fair comparison, but I am quite sure that crudely  
> turning it off would be very bad.
> Magnus

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