On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 13:49 -0400, Michael Williams wrote:
> I am unable to explain the results.

It's just noise.  Any code change can slightly help or hurt for no
easily explainable reason.  It could be some effect on caching, the
optimizer, branch prediction, or something else.   You do have a more
complicated test now, based on a variable instead of a constant.   It's
hard to imagine that outweighs the cost of initializing an array
however, although I think this kind of thing is really fast in modern
processors (almost no branch mis-predictions, full pipe-lining, etc.) 

And this is the kind of change that even in a perfect world isn't going
to have noticeable impact anyway.   So if anything else changes it could
actually slightly hurt.   Even if it showed a slight speedup you could
not for sure attribute this to the more efficient algorithm.  

- Don

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