On Fri, 2008-11-21 at 01:34 +0000, Claus Reinke wrote:
> As a relative beginner in these matters, the more I look at AMAF,
> the less I like it, and I think that has to do with AMAF ignoring
> relative sequencing. By looking at all moves as if they were played
> first, it ignores that some moves only make sense after certain other
> moves. 

I feel the same way, but the bottom line is that it WORKS.  It works
incredible well in fact.  I was hard pressed to prove that just looking
at the FIRST move only is better, although intuitively I'm sure it

What you do is only look at the first move if you want to be anal about
it.    Or if you have lots of time only look at the first move.   Or you
can be adaptive about it.   Look at ALL moves then as the number of
playouts increase, gradually give less and less priority to the
remaining moves. 

Michael Williams suggested de-emphasizing later moves but still using
them and this works quite well.

- Don

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