I think I've seen some discussion a while ago about a set of tests used to test playing engines. I suppose it would make sense to compile such a set for the reference bots. Matching a win-rate and game-length after 1,000,000 playouts is a quick first milestone for verification that can be done quickly. A winning rate of something very close to 50% after thousands of games takes hours if not a whole day. A set of situations with their expected result can provide something in between. Maybe the original set posted by Yamato can be used as a starting point. But I'd also include some very simple situations that check whether the engines properly implement things like ko, super-ko, seki, end of game etc...

So far I've been using unit-tests for things like this. But that's not very easy to transfer to other engine implementations.

I haven't used the GoGui regression-test application yet but I'm planning to look into it. The one thing I did notice is that the problem diagram and the problem's solution are separated. Wouldn't it have been easier to include the latter into the SGF? A simple format like "#c? [result-set]" where c is the color to play, similar as the format already used. Put that as a comment in the first or last SGF node should be easy enough to parse. Or you could even define a special SGF property for this information.

Maybe there's a well thought out reason why it is the way it is?


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