On Jan 26, 2009, at 6:26 PM, matt harman <harman.m...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> That the missunderstanding right there.
> 1 child will be chosen and 1 simlation will be run.

Thanks for the quick answer, so 1 simulation is run because too many
will give lots of noise to the result?

Just the opposite. The noise in the win rate is 1/sqrt(n). The reason for doing few simulations is that they're relatively expensive. UCT and MCTS do extra tree walking because that's less expensive than over simulating bad moves.

if only 1 is run then the 4 children can either win or lose
the single simulation 0 or 1.

Initially, yes, but future visits will increase that. Near the root could have hundreds of thousands.

This would be non-deterministic so how would you
decide which child to exploit?

Techniques vary a bit, but a move quality is calculated based on the simulation results for each move. The best move is simulated.

UCT balances exploitation with exploration by including uncertainty in metric.

Many top programs have discarded the uncertainty term because heuristics and RAVE/AMAF are surprisingly accurate.

Given specific simulation results, the searches are deterministic. Simulations are random, so the searches end up very non-deterministic. Over time, they should converge on the same conclusion.


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