Sorry for responding to the old topic.

Mark Boon wrote:
>Other than that, I'd take a different approach:
>- play out as usual. Instead of counting stones + eyes on the board,  
>you count eyes + prisoners + nr-opponent's passes during playout.
>- don't count passes outside of playout.
>I think this avoids having to take a security margin or require  
>passing as soon as the opponent does (although in practice that may  
>happen almost all the time). The seki-matter is the same.

I think this scheme works for the playout itself, but I have a problem
with UCT tree.

Look at the attached file. This position is win for black in Japanese
rules, but the only correct move is pass. If black plays anywhere other
than pass, he loses. This time white's correct move is pass, otherwise
he loses. Such a condition breaks winning rate values in the tree.

How should I handle this?


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Description: Binary data

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