Hi Magnus,

Can I use your examples and such and put a section in the web page?

As far as I know, CGOS has not been down.  Unless it was somehow
preventing logins or something.    The way to test is to bring up the
viewer,  it will not come up at all if CGOS is down.  

I put 3 weak programs on the 9x9 server just so that people would have
something to play against and Brain might be able to get things tested.

I'm also updating the archives, since December though Feb is missing.

- Don

-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Persson <magnus.pers...@phmp.se>
Reply-To: computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>
To: computer-go@computer-go.org
Subject: Re: [computer-go] Can't get on CGOS
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 16:14:48 +0100

Ok, here is what I do to connect to CGOS using Windows XP.

This citation is from the a box on the CGOS page:

"A note for Windows users:  If you choose the Multi-platform starkit  
route, please note that there are 2 types of tclkit's for your  
platform. One is built with TK support (for GUI application) and is  
probably not the one you want, although it can be made to work if you  
know what you are doing. The one you want will have a name like  
tclkitsh instead of tclkit or some variation of this. "

So one want to use the file tclkitsh for windows and nothing else.

I have a single line .bat file that look like this, which enable me to  
stop the client by creating the file Quit.txt (with a second file  
Quit.bat that copies itself to Quit.txt) and all activity is logged to  

tclkitsh cgosGtp.kit -c config9.txt -k Quit.txt  > log.txt

The file config9.txt look like this:

%section server
     server cgos.boardspace.net
     port 6867

%section player
      name      Valkyria3.2.7
      password  xxxx
      invoke    ..\\..\\ValhallGTP.exe time threadengine ponder
      priority  7

You need to use '\\' instead of '/' in the path to your program I think.

Note that as far as I know the 9x9 server has not been running for  
over a week, so this is of course also a reason for not beeing able to  
connect to it...

I find it useful to use the viewer for testing if CGOS is running, and  
the log file is also immediately helpful.

I hope this will help.

Also, since the 9x9 server is down, some programs are actually playing  
13x13 right now so it would be fun if more programs did that, since it  
is so rare that any programs at all play 13x13.


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