David Doshay wrote:
> My personal opinion is that way too much effort is put into
> optimizations that used to be very important when memory was small,
> but now is nice but not really needed. My bias is that efficiency is a
> good thing as long as it does not get in the way of easily
> understandable code, particularly for a new engine. I am not debating
> (and do not want to start a flame war on the subject) that good data
> structures lead to good programs, but I think that trying to wring
> every last bit out of the stored data is silly when machines these
> days have up to 8 GB of RAM.

I don't particularly disagree with what you write, but it's worth
remembering that on a modern processor you might well find yourself with
32k of level 1 cache shared between two threads, so it's worth keeping
an eye on the size of the main board structure.

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