Ingo Althöfer wrote:
>Yamato San wrote:
>> The match of O Meien 9p vs Zen will be held on next Monday via KGS.
>> Schedule (JST)
>> Date: August 10
>>  Time: 14:10
>> Handicap
>>  9x9: Zen is black, with 0.5 or 3.5 komi (?)
>>  19x19: Zen is black, with 7 handicap stones.
>Thanks for the information.
>* How many games will be played, 
>two on 9x9 and one on 19x19?

At least two on 9x9, possibly more. And one on 19x19.

>* What will be the thinking times?

The time system on KGS will be "none".
Zen will use 15sec/move on 19x19, and 20sec/move on 9x9.

>Other question: Is it true what I read in KGS chat
>that Zen wil be commercially availabe in Japan
>on September 28, for about 9,500 Yen?

Please wait for the official announcement.

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