I created the joseki database for the DOS program when typical computers had
1 MByte of memory.  It's stored in a highly compressed format using 10 bits
per node in the DAG (each node has x and y coordinate and an indication of
the type of joseki: good/bad/trick/followup, and an indication if it makes
the position symmetric).   The code to decompress it is rather complex and I
wrote it 20 years ago, so converting to patterns would take quite a bit of
effort.  I think spending that time on making playouts smarter would help
program strength more.


I converted the fuseki database from a tree to a big hash table of patterns
for version 12, and it took way more effort than I expected when I started.


From: computer-go-boun...@computer-go.org
[mailto:computer-go-boun...@computer-go.org] On Behalf Of Brian Sheppard
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:36 AM
To: computer-go@computer-go.org
Subject: [computer-go] Conflicting RAVE formulae


>Many Faces has a joseki database with about 64000 corner positions.  It's
>stored as a DAG, not a set of patterns, so it can't find transpositions.


Just curious: why don't you convert the DAG into patterns at program



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