On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Heikki Levanto <hei...@lsd.dk> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 09:01:22AM -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
> > You could of course just play games where you choose each player
> randomly.
> > If you have 256 feature you have a ridiculous number of combinations,
> more
> > than you could possibly test but before each test game you just pick a
> > combination of features randomly for each player.    In this way about
> 1/4
> > of the games will be relevant for each feature, regardless of how many
> > features you are testing.    (1/2 will have the feature on and half of
> those
> > games will be against opponents who have the feature off.)
> Wouldn't it be more effective to choose one player randomly, and make the
> other a "mirror image" of it? That way, every game would give some
> information of the relevance of one setting. At least in the very
> beginning...

That would not be effective at all.   With 256 features you are (for all
practical purposes)  never going to see that exact combination of features
again.   In very general terms,  you are probably going to be more
interested in how a few terms interact than how many interact.     Of course
this method only tries to understand each feature independently,  but I
think this has some validity.   I don't claim it will cover all the bases
however but it might be a good place to start.

Of course there is nothing that prevents you from observing from the data
the interaction of any specific combination of features,  but the amount of
data you will get for specific combinations of feature is going to be
drastically reduced with the number of features you wish to look at.

I will assert that looking at each feature independently is half the
battle,  and looking at combinations of 2 features is going to cover a
higher percentage of the remaining cases,  and so on.      And if you find
interesting interactions,   you can COMBINE them in a separate test - by
basically considering feature x and y together as a single compound
feature.   You would only do this when you have a high degree of confidence
that these 2 features definitely have some kind of synergy.      You might
even do this with features that have a negative interaction,  perhaps taking
care that they are never tested together.

- Don

> --
> Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk
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