
I looked at
and its commentary

and found the rules confusing.

to start  the terms capturable-1 2 and 3 are confusing.
a string that is capturable-1 or 2 is ALIVE. while capturable has the
connotation of being dead (what does apply to capturable 3)
just renaming it to semi-uncapturable-1 2 and capturable 3 would
allready be a great improvement.

Some sentences are just confusing:
A player's final-string is capturable-1 if
    * it is not uncapturable and
    * the opponent cannot - with the same hypothetical-strategy -
force both capture of the string's stones and no local-1
permanent-stone of the player."

what is the meaning of  " no local-1 permanent-stone of the player "
the sentence just doesn't flow.
probably the whole sentence can be replaced by

 * the opponent cannot - with the same hypothetical-strategy - force
both capture of the string's stones and prevent any local-1
permanent-stone of the player."

Capturable 3 is a interesting construction. (but it took some time to
figure it out)

It may not exsist at the end of the game ( direct ko rule)
And it is a dead string. (if it does exsist at the end of the game)

Am i correct that according to these rules

the torazu sanmoku

+ - - - - -
| + # O O +
| O O # O +
| O O # O +
| # # # + O
| + + + # +

white is alive (captured-1)
and black is dead (captured-3)

so black is better of  capturing white

I am wondering how to implement these rules in a program.

Search for the best move using area rules.
game ends with 2 or 3 passes (to include ko passes)
score according territory rules

What happens if i pass. (let the opponent play instead of the player)

if the scores are the same  pass instead of play.

I was thinking of implementing the
new japanese rules
instead .

But are they the easiest to implement territory rules?

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Robert Jasiek <> wrote:
> Willemien wrote:
>> can somebody give me ideas, links and other information on how to
>> program (Japanese) territory scoring rules?
> Read all the Japanese style rulesets here:
> In particular, the Japanese 2003 Rules come the closest. For a start, you
> can ignore capturable-2 and capturable-3 though because they are needed only
> scarcely.
> Of course, you will need to develop algorithms for partial selections of
> sets of hypothetical-sequences and of hypothetical-strategies.
>> How to decide that the game is over.
> Score the current position as if it were the final-position and compare it
> to the scores of your tree-search leaves' final-positions and a min-max on
> it. If they are equal, the game is "over".
>> How to decide what is teire (moves that costs the player points but
>> don't need to be played because there are still neutral unoccupied
>> points.
> A general definition of teire is still missing. As a pretty good
> approximation, implement the Japanese 2003 Rules to determine status,
> eye-points and dame. Then virtually fill the dame and your program "sees"
> the teire.
>> How to decide what is a seki  and other rule beasts.
>> and maybe other problems related to this field.
> Use the Japanese 2003 Rules, and
> Types of Basic Kos
> (note that I am currently correcting the definitions for active / inactive
> disturbing life to refer to two-eye-formation instead of uncapturable life)
> and
> External versus Internal Ko
> *************************************************************************
> As you will notice very quickly, correct determination of all would be
> extremely tedious. So you will need to make compromises. The ultimate
> compromise (and simplification of your programming work) is reduction to
> Area Scoring and then adjustment of at least the most frequent differences:
> --
> robert jasiek
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