Very nice. You just can't be cavalier tactically when you play a bot.
Even though this was an even game, the human started playing "handicap style" after a few obviously weak bot moves. But the kind of tactical handicap play that w tried completely backfired against Zens strong tactical counterattacks. Before this, Zen won against 2-dans on even, and even won a game against a shodan, giving 3 stones.
So it's not a fluke.
Beating a 5-dan on even isn't Zens real current strength, but as we see, if the opponent is not used to bot play, it can allready happen.
Congrats Zen.


----- Original Message ----- From: ""Ingo Althöfer"" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010 1:30 PM
Subject: [computer-go] Zen beats a 5-dan on KGS

The old year 2009 ended with a true cracker onm KGS:
In the computer room  "Mosa", a Japanese player with
rank 5-dan, had five games with Zen running on a
mini-cluster (4x4 cernels).
One of these games was won by Zen, at chinese rules,
komi 7.5 and handicap 0.  Zen was black in that game.
Thinking time was 30 minutes sudden death.

You can download all five games from here:

Mosas rating curve on KGS is shown here:

Best wishes for 2010 to all of you!


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