
1. Just a small precision first:

Ingo Althöfer wrote:

> Terry McIntyre wrote:
> > ... My pet peeve is the KGS "score estimator", which is often wildly
> wrong

> As explained by others a "strong SE for ALL positions" is equivalent
> to a strong program.

This is only true if you replace the word “strong” by “perfect”. It is
trivial, that a perfect evaluation function gives a perfect player using
a 1-ply search, but that is not true for strong evaluation functions.
Converting a strong evaluation function into a strong program is still
a hard problem. “Almost” good moves are frequently worse than random
moves. (E.g. a move that “almost saves” a group that cannot be saved
or “almost kills” a group that cannot be killed gives one prisoner to
the opponent and wastes one turn. This is worse than pass while random
moves are with a high probability better than pass.)

2. Now my proposal: An MC based SE (Score Estimator).

Use a strong MCTS program unmodified, except in a small detail to collect
data about by how many points each simulation is won. Play a feasible
number of simulations like 20K. Build the distribution of the result
(= The histogram counting how many wins were found by each result).
Otherwise, let the program follow the tree as it does unmodified. In
this distribution find the 3 quartiles (the komi shift that produces
Q1 25%-75%, Q2 50%-50% and Q3 75%-25% wins for each).

If IQR (Interquartile range) = Q3-Q1 > some threshold (say 25 points)

output: Q2 as “B+3.5 with large error margin”


output: Q2 + IQR as “B+3.5 IQR(W+1.5, B+11.5)”

This would be a state of the art SE and the number of simulations could
also be a parameter controlled by the user to adapt the precision to his
hardware and patience.

After all, it is easier to get a SE from a strong program than the other
way round ;-)


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