Petr Baudis asked:
>  I'm confused. What do you mean by "This is evidence in the 95%
> region"? 3/4 has confidence interval from 19% to 99%, 0/4 has confidence
> interval from 0% to 60%.

Assume for simplicity that both A and B have a 50 % winning chance
for each single game against C.

The cases with "score difference 7 or higher in favour of A" are:

8 games mean, that each single result has probability (2 to the power -8).
So we have for the possible scores

3-1 and 0-4  -- prob= 4*(2 to the power -8)
4-0 and 1-3  -- prob= 4*(2 to the power -8)
4-0 and 4-0  -- prob= 1*(2 to the power -8)

in total  prob= 9/256 = 3.5 %

Other elementary winning probability instead of 50 % give
similar results.


Hint for reading: the Vieweg book of Ernst A. Heinz on computer 
chess (testing).
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