> I would very much appreciate an open source implementation of this
- or rather, I'd rather spend my time using one to do interesting things
rather than building one, I do plan to open source my implementation if
I have to make one and can bring myself to build one from scratch...

I started building a convolution network library for OpenCL at
- tanh, relu, linear activations
- OpenCL
- fully connected and convolutional layers

OpenCL you might see as good or bad, depending on your point of view.  It's
certainly unique.  eg, caffe uses CUDA I believe, as does Theano, and so
on.  OpenCL has the advantage of being an open standard, and you can run it
on many CPUs, eg Intel Ivy Bridge integrated graphics cards.

I intend to implement 'pizza-slice' symmetry, or maybe
'kaleidoscope'-symmetry is a better name.  Either way, the 4-way symmetry,
for w: vertically, horizontally, and across both diagonals.

It's currently a work in progress.  It can get 83% accuracy on mnist, using
a single convolutional layer, and no other layers at all.  Fully-connected
layer also seems to be working.  forward prop and backward prop are both in
gpu, for convolutional layers.  fully-connected layers are still 100% on
cpu, but you only would have one such layer, right, so not a high
priority?  I'm currently building test cases to ensure that multiple, deep,
topologies work correctly.

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