> What elements did you like about CGOS and what do you wish for?
> I've begun writing a new version from scratch that isn't TCL based.
> With the aim for future use and also open source and open to public
> commits.

A simple json interface that enables people to do automated checks for
elo rating, latest match played and failures.
Oh and indeed failures: currently it says "illegal move"; it would be
great if it also could say what is illegal about the move. Maybe create
a logfile accessible via the web-interface for that.

Folkert van Heusden

Always wondered what the latency of your webserver is? Or how much more
latency you get when you go through a proxy server/tor? The numbers
tell the tale and with HTTPing you know them!
Phone: +31-6-41278122, PGP-key: 1F28D8AE, www.vanheusden.com
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