Hi Ray,

For the black(X) string (at B9), how do you detect that it has equivalently
three liberties in your implementations? And how do you detect that it
changes to 2 liberties after playing White F9? Do you use the semeai

Aya thinks it has 2 libs, not 3. And in left case, Aya understands
if W plays F9, W can play D9 next. It is detected by checking lib
1 stones only in UCT tree. In right case, previouse move connects
lib 2 stones, and it libs is more than 3, then check W D9 is not
suicide. It is done in playout.
Maybe I should check increasing libs from 2 to over 3, by previous
move in playout. Decreasing check is easy though.

Hiroshi Yamashita

----- Original Message ----- From: "施仲晉" <rockman...@gmail.com>
To: <computer-go@computer-go.org>
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Computer-go] Liberty races in playouts

Hi, Yamashita.

For the black(X) string (at B9), how do you detect that it has equivalently
three liberties in your implementations? And how do you detect that it
changes to 2 liberties after playing White F9? Do you use the semeai
knowledege in playout or uct tree?

9.XX......    9.XX.O....
8.OXOOXO..    8.OXXXO...
7.OXXXO...    7.OXXXO...
6XOOOXO...    6XOOOXO...
5.XXXOO...    5.XXXOO...
4.........    4.........
3.........    3.........
2.........    2.........
1.........    1.........



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