whereas the majority of teenage kgsers i encounter suffer from
hyperhubris amongst a plethora of other sociopathological handicaps,
mathematically, it ought not to matter a whit to a bot's own
self-esteem when the witless up themselves against it because the kgs
ranking algorithm surely ought to either take rank aberrations into
account or ignore delusionally-handicapped-game results because they
don't just do it against you, they do it against everybody.

but in any case, how reliable is poking a stick around in the dark anyway?

PS  Whereas it is true that a camel is a horse that was designed by a
committee, why on earth don't you guys stop trying to get one over
each other in the kgs playground and start working as a team?  For
example, DCNNigo plays a very respectable opening but falls apart in
the yose, so a different technique is required for that phase of the
game.  If you put your heads together, you might come up with a
multibot that arguably could be considered smart instead of just
lucky.  You should be able to hook up across internet so the many
heads don't all have to be in the same room.  Yonks ago Oliver
Selfridge [1] proposed just such an architecture for an intracranial
artificial intelligence - but you could go intercranial.  Now that
would be an IT worth checking out.
[1] http://sites.sinauer.com/wolfe4e/wa04.02.html
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