The December KGS bot tournament will be on Sunday, December 6th, starting at
16:00 UTC and ending by 22:00 UTC.  It will use 13x13 boards, with time limits
of 9 minutes each plus fast Canadian overtime, and komi of 7.5.

Please register by emailing me, with the words "KGS Tournament Registration"
in the email title, at .

Note that the November KGS bot tournament (November 29th, 19x19, 08:00 UTC
start, 14 minutes each) is *this coming* Sunday, very late in the month
because there have been other computer Go events in Japan, Beijing and
Taiwan on the last three weekends. The December KGS bot tournament is *the
following* weekend.  If you email me to register for just one of these
events, please make it clear which one you mean.  If you email me to
register for both, please make that clear too.

Nick Wedd
Computer-go mailing list

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