
>  > Remember 1998: In the US Go Congress an exhibition match
>  > took place: 5-dan Martin Mueller against Many Faces of Go.
>  > Martin gave 29 handicap stones - and won "handily".
>  > 29 stones - can you believe it?
> Martin Mueller, 5d, won an H-29 game against a 1998 go-program that ran 
> run on a 1998 computer. So, in order to reproduce the playing strength 
> of the old program and get a fair comparison it should again run on an 
> old machine while the modern go-programs use today's hardware.
> - Michael.

I discussed your point in depth with David Fotland (father of MFoG).
Back in 1998, MFoG had long thinking time (2 hours for all) in the game.
In the current MFoG vesion the 12-kyu level plays quickly and is -
according to David - comparable in strength with the 1998 long thinker.


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