
the topic "matrix completion" has become famous, in
particular after a competition organized by the 
NetFlix company. NetFlix has many customers and (not so)
many films. They want to generate personalized 
recommendations for their customers ("you might also like 
movie X").

Transfer to the world of go on internet servers:
One problem of go bots against human go players is that
humans learn quickly about special weaknesses of the bot.
Now assume some fictive go bot "Bimbo" with several
secrete parameter settings (S_1, ..., S_m). When a
human plays on KGS against Bimbo he does not know which
parameter set is just activated. The team behind Bimbo
is switching between parameter sets, either randomly or
by some tactics.

What the Bimbo team knows is how well which humans handled
which sets in the past. What they want to find is the
"best" parameter set for the current opponent. Here "best"
is meant with respect to the bot chances. Matrix completion
may help to find "appropriate" settings.

Observe that NetFlix is dealing with thousands of films
and millions of customers. In contrast, on KGS you have
perhaps a few hundred opponents and about a dozen or so
parameter sets. So, "matrix completion" in the Bimbo team
would not be a very hard task.



PS. In computer chess, switching secretly between several
program versions was sometimes called "engine revolver".
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