Well done, Aja and all the DeepMind team (including all the "backroom
boys" who've given the reliability on the hardware side).

BTW, I've gained great pleasure seeing you sitting there with the union
jack, representing queen and country; you'll probably receive a
knighthood. :-)

> Thanks all. AlphaGo has won the match against Lee Sedol. But there
> are still 2 games to play.

I love your focus! The mainstream media might start to lose interest
now, but at least the people on this list appreciate the implications of
the difference between 5-0 and 3-2. Best of luck in the last two games!

(And just when you thought you were almost back to a nice quiet studious
life, I heard rumour (*) that a Ke Jie match is coming soon.)


*: I say rumour, as the source was an interview with Demis Hassabis, but
only published in Chinese.

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