Suppose an MC/NN program suggests a move with the supposedly highest winning probability. Due to the imperfect information for suggesting this move, I suggest to apply my human player principle "verify by reading" by verifying the suggested move by reading. This can use the following method "verification reading for probabilities", which I suggest now:

We have the current position with a winning probability and the suggested first move in the current position. Do _reading_ to quiet leaves, for which we know or determine a winning probability. A decision in the tree is a success iff it results in _at least_ the same probability [alternative: a threshold probability] as that of the current position.

I.e., the verification reading shall ensure that the winning probability does not decrease as a consequence of starting with the suggested move.

Such should prevent the program from suddenly experiencing harshly dropping probabilities during a few successive moves / mistakes of the game, such as in game 4 of the AlphaGo - Lee Sedol match.

robert jasiek
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